quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

Shao Yang Patterns:

Shao Yang Patterns: Meridian Therapy According to Channel Connections

From a meridian based perspective the Shao Yang meridians (GB – SJ) connect to three other meridian pairs.  The internal/external pairing is to the Jue Yin (LV – PC), by way of the horary cycle the Shao Yang connects to the heart and spleen, and through Zang Fu Bei Tong Theory it connects to the Shao Yin (HT – KI).

When we combine these pairings for the practical application of doing pattern identification and designing treatment strategies, we can speak of three shao yang syndromes: the shao yang – jue yin syndrome, the shao yang – shao yin syndrome, and finally the shao yang – heart/spleen syndrome.

Shao Yang - Jue Yin Circuit

GB  -  SJ
 -        -
LV  -  PC
The shao yang – jue yin pattern is characterized by conditions such as temple headaches, neck pain, photophobia, insomnia, anxiety, seizures, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, hip pain, and shen disturbance.  In this pattern we find that the shao yang meridians are expressing symptoms that are rooted in a liver and/or pericardium imbalance.  By using these four meridians in combination we are able to most effectively deal with the patients top three health concerns and overall zang-fu patterns.

Shao Yang - Shao Yin Circuit

GB  -  SJ
 -       -
HT  -  KI
The shao yang – shao yin syndrome is characterized by similar symptoms as listed above, although in a shao yang – shao yin pattern, we find that the underlying root pattern is coming from kidney and/or heart imbalances.  So for example, if the kidney yin has declined it can lead to many of the above-mentioned symptoms such as insomnia, seizures, etc.  Similarly, patterns like heart fire or heart yin/blood deficiency can also lead to many of these symptoms as well.  Therefore, in shao yang – shao yin patterns we find that the shao yang meridians are symptomatic, but the overall pattern is rooted in an imbalance in the shao yin.    

Shao Yang - Heart/Spleen Circuit

GB  -  SJ
 -        -
HT  -  SP
In shao yang – heart/spleen patterns we also find that the client complains of symptoms related to the shao yang meridians or organ systems; however, in this case the underlying pattern is related to the heart and spleen.  Typically, this will be a spleen/heart blood deficiency pattern that leads to symptoms such as temple headaches, insomnia, anxiety, etc. 
Notice that in the above three patterns the shao yang connects to either the heart or pericardium.  Since the heart and pericardium connect to the shen, and the shao yang has many points on the head - as well as important point indications for neurological conditions - this indicates that the shao yang circuits mentioned above are important patterns to recognize when patients present with complex neurological conditions and shen disturbance

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