quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Tai Yin Associations

When using a meridian based perspective to pattern identification we need a thorough understanding of the relationships between the meridians.  For the tai yin meridians (LU and SP) we find that they connect to the yang ming, tai yang, and the liver and small intestine. 

According to Zang Fu Bei Tong Theory the tai yin connects to the tai yangIn this theory the LU connects to the UB and the SP connects to the SI.  We find the practical association between the LU and UB in the energetic functions of the acupuncture points LU 5 and LU 7.  Lung 5 is the water point of the LU meridian and it functions to benefit the UB, while also descending water to the bladder.  Lung 7 opens the Ren mai, which opens and passes through the region of the UB.  This makes the combination of LU 5 and LU 7 very important for a wide range of bladder conditions.

The connection between the SP and SI is also an important relationship that is best seen in the way in which the points Tian Huang and Shen Guan may be used for treating shoulder pain in the region of the SI meridian.  These points come from Master Tung and are located on the SP meridian.

Returning to our discussion of the tai yin – tai yang association, we find that various points on the tai yin meridians may be used for treating tai yang conditions.  Points on the LU meridian that can treat pain in the UB bladder meridian include: 22.01, 22.02, and 33.13.  Points on the SP meridian that treat the tai yang include: 77.17, 77.18, 77.19, and 77.21.

A client with a tai yin – tai yang pattern would manifest with top health concerns involving the spine, back, spleen, and/or lungs.  This is a common pattern we see in clinic as there are large numbers of people that have spinal conditions.  When symptoms occur in the back, spine, or tai yang channels, a tai yin – tai yang pattern may be identified when they also present with lung and/or spleen signs and symptoms.  

The connection between the tai yin and the yang ming is defined by the internal-external relationships that exist between the LU and LI and between the SP and ST.  When we compound these associations we can identify what can be called a tai yin – yang ming pattern.  The tai yin – yang ming pattern is characterized by digestive symptoms that occur with underlying spleen and/or lung imbalances. 

The mutual appearance of digestive and respiratory symptoms is quite common and appears in food allergies, Candida, immune deficiency, and external invasions.  Therefore, whenever digestive complaints occur with lung signs and symptoms we should consider using the tai yin and yang ming meridians for treatment. 

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